Pcb trace width calculation
Pcb trace width calculation

If you have a multi-layer PCB with a copper plane near your conductor, the actual ∆T will be substantially lower. Calculations based on these data should fit most assemblies and here will be referred to as universal or generic. For example, for i=10A and ∆T=20 oC the IPC gives Ac=500, while our formula yields 513.1, which is within 3% accuracy. The above equation provides reasonably accurate approximation of the generic Fig.5-2 charts. Once you determined Ac, you can find the required trace width for a given copper weight: width=Ac/thickness, where thickness(mil)=oz/1.3.

pcb trace width calculation

For this I have interpolated K1(∆T) and K2(∆T) between 2 and 100 oC by using a curve fit function that employs least-squares power curve regression. I thought it would be convenient to have a unified formula for cross-sectional area as a function of electric current, so we could quickly find it for any arbitrary ∆T. Note that both the multiplier K1 and the exponent K2 vary depending on ∆T. I would like to thank Jack for allowing me to utilize his numbers. Jack Olson from Caterpillar has calculated these and other coefficients and provided them in his spreadsheet and a related article. For a selected ∆T one can derive K1 and K2 by estimating the slope and intercept point of an appropriate plot in Fig.5-2. This means that: Ac(i)=K1×i K2, where K1 and K2 are some constants.

pcb trace width calculation

We know that a straight line on log-log graph represents a polynomial.

pcb trace width calculation

They are given for certain discrete values of temperature rise and they all are linear in logarithmic scales. Ac charts for the polyimide boards 0.070" thick with 3 ounce copper in still air. We will use IPC-2152 Figure 5-2, which represents a typical application.

Pcb trace width calculation